Fascinated By The World!

Greetings! We’re Terri and James Vance, two global nomads, and Gallivance is our digital homestead. We are storytellers who share unique tales from around the world.

We started traveling in our 20s and never looked back. When we found an opportunity to move to Africa for our first overseas working/living adventure, we jumped at it and grabbed a one-way ticket to adventure. The experience humbled and educated us, imbuing a worldview that sustains us today. And it fueled our appetite for more.

Now, over thirty years later, and hundreds of one-way tickets, we are experienced global nomads wandering the world…still lovin’ it and still married!

IMG_4675 - Version 3IMG_6004 - Version 4James fell in love with geology, so he became a geophysicist, manager, and international consultant, working in hot spots around the globe.

Terri loves people and became an educator, marketer, business executive, and international management consultant based in Europe.

About Us
After working overseas for more than a decade, we stepped back from our thriving careers and realized we wanted to:
• Simplify our lives – seriously!
• Become financially independent so we could embrace travel as a lifestyle
• Base ourselves in the US to establish our little “Basecamp Gallivance

And that’s where we are today! So here are 7 quirky facts about us:

James bike trips in gallivan1. James did a solo 1,300 mile bike ride from St. Augustine, Florida to Beaumont, Texas. He camped all the way and inherited ravenous fleas from a friendly campground cat.

2. Terri walked 172 miles in London one week. Since it’s her favorite city, she was bound and determined to complete every self-guided walking tour she could find.

3. James is a bedbug magnet! He picked up his first batch in Bogor, Indonesia and it’s only been downhill from there.

4. Terri can wiggle her ears. Kids and dogs love it.

5. James could have been a drummer in another life! Seriously. When he hears music  James will beat, bang, and thump on any surface that stays still long enough.Terri's Tap Dance Outfit

6. Terri was a tap dancer as a kid. In her final performance (age 10) her costume came untied from around her neck, fell down, exposing very little. Mortified, she ran off stage and has not tap danced since.

7. Although we’re not into counting, many people ask how many countries we’ve traveled to and lived in. So, one night over a glass of wine, we tried to reconstruct our peripatetic lives. We’ve lived in 5 countries (USA, Sudan, United Kingdom, Netherlands, and Germany). And we’ve journeyed to 65 countries (and way more places that should be considered countries, but aren’t)! Fortunately, there are over 125 left to explore.

You may be wondering about the origin of our blog title. Our friends and family say we gallivant from one place to another. Hence Galli – Vance!

We’re so glad you’re here and hope you’ll find something to inspire your travels, plan your next trip … or just make you smile. There are over 550 posts here, so if you’re wondering what to do next, START HERE.

See you on the road,
Terri & James

P.S. If you’d like to make a comment, please jump in at the bottom of any post. If you prefer to send an email, go for it. We are often on the move and will answer as quickly as possible. Email us at gallivance@gmail.com.

587 thoughts

  1. Hey, thanks for visiting and liking my blog post! Love your story. So inspiring and definitely made me smile 🙂 Also extremely envious of your travels and escapades! Keep it up!

  2. Really loving your blog! It portrays such a wonderful image of life, love, enthusiasm and passion -I’m following straight away, I know I’ll love to read more from you 🙂 Good luck on everything!
    All the best, Anna

    1. Hi Jo and Aaron, I’m so excited for you and your adventure. It will set the tone for the rest of your life and build incredible memories and experiences. Wishing you all the best on your journey, Terri

  3. this just completely inspires me, and gives me even more ‘oomph’ to get us going on our own travel plans! waiting for the house to sell so we can go is just getting painful now!!! lol

    1. Thanks for the comments and for following our blog. Waiting for a house to sell is never easy, particularly if it’s the anchor holding up your travel plans. It’s also hard to plan for travel and not know when it will happen. But for me, the planning is also fun and can be motivational. Best of luck in selling your house.

  4. Oh this is a beautiful and inspiring story! I hope that me and my sweetheart will have a similar story to tell in many years. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I look forward to reading yours (especially what you thought about Finland!)
    All the best,


    1. Thanks for the very nice comment Sara. We really enjoyed our time in Helsinki, but we didn’t manage to get outside the city. Next trip, we hope to travel around the country a bit. We’ll watch your blog for recommendations. Good luck on your Erasmus Year.

      1. You’re welcome and thank you. If you ever want any advice or have any questions please feel free to ask me! I hope you enjoy it =) Best of luck on your travels too =)

  5. What an awesome story–you two are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your adventures and travels with us. It’s people like you two who make the blogging community (and the world!) shine a little brighter. Cheers, – C&Y

    1. Thanks C&Y for the nice comment, and thanks so much for the follow, and especially for putting us on your blog roll. As you can tell from our posts, we really enjoy architecture (of all kinds) and DIY renovation, so we’ll be keeping tabs on what you have going on with your cool blog. Thanks again. J&T

  6. Glad you like “In search of unusual destinations”, by the way! And I really like your blog: you’ve certainly done some travel! Sudan must have been an extraordinary experience: but I bet James would be in trouble wearing those shorts today! I know someone imprisoned in Khartoum for showing less flesh! Have an exciting 2013. Phil.

    1. Hi Patricia, the delight is mutual. You really brought back memories when you showed the pizza with the fried egg. That always surprised me. Looking forward to more. Cheers, Terri

  7. I am so lucky to receive a ‘like’ from you in one of my posts which led me to your amazing, amazing blog. Gee, i could cry with your love story. You have been so blessed to have each other and been able to trot the world together. God bless you both.

    1. Hi Doublewhirler, Thanks! I so enjoyed your tale of emerging from the Levant to a new world of technology. It really resonated because when James and I returned to the States after living in Khartoum, Sudan for several years we were confused at the grocery store when the cashier inquired “Paper or plastic?” We thought she was referring to cash or credit! But isn’t it fun playing catch-up? Looking forward to reading more. All the best, Terri

      1. Great anecdote! It is wonderful to see things with a fresh perspective. We’re still bemused that, after seeing feral cats, dogs and even donkeys fed on pasta and leftover bread in Tunisia, Egypt, Rome, Jordan, Cyprus et al, pet food here triumphantly exclaims that it’s “Gluten Free!” The journey continues!

  8. So enjoyed knowing more about you. May God bless you both with eternal love, companionship & happiness! You’ve got one super awesome blog here! 🙂

  9. Dear Terri and James, thank you for passing by my blog and liking a number of my recent posts. I came by to read your story, and what a wonderful story you’ve had, and one you’re continuing to make!

    1. Hi Henry, We are loving life – just like you. I read your 2012 Manifesto in awe of all that you have done in life, and can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds. Wishing you all the Best, Terri

    1. Jason, Thanks for your very kind words. Open minds – you hit the nail on the head. That’s what travel and exploration are all about. Your accomplishments are truly astounding – every generation needs an adventurer and I nominate you. Wishing you all the best on your future endeavors, Terri

  10. Such an inspiring story! You’re both blessed to have found each other. Thank you for the like on my post and please continue inspiring and giving us a glimpse of your wonderful world!:-)

    1. You are too kind – thank you. I loved your story about your First Overnight Train Ride. It was so touching and I look forward to reading more. Our first overnight train was crossing from Portugal to Spain. When we reached the border at 2am, we were sound asleep, but the guards woke us to check our passports. We were so incoherent we still laugh at our befuddled attempts to communicate with them! Thanks for stopping by. All the best, Terri

    1. Hi Faranginasia (btw, great title!) So glad to have you here … and thanks. I checked out your future travel plans and it looks like you are well on your way to a very impressive list as well. Happy travels, Terri

  11. This is great! Nice to know that a marriage can survive and thrive in the craziness of traveling for work. My husband and I are also high school sweethearts who are traveling for work. I look forward to reading more. Feel free to also follow my blog. I’ll be documenting our travels as well.

    1. Hi reneejs, There are definitely times when traveling for work is quite a juggling act, and you’re right about the craziness! But in the end it sure is worth it. Where do your work travels take you? I wasn’t able to get to your blog via your gravatar, so let me know your web address so I can check it out. All the best, Terri

    1. Hi Frugal Fish, I loved your “Easiest Roast Ever” because we do the same thing with ham … and it’s great. I never thought about doing it with a roast. So cool! Thanks for sharing. All the best, Terri

  12. You’ve got a fan in me! Your life is a story I often dream of. Fingers crossed, for I know it’s possible now. Thanks for having such an amazing blog and stopping by to read and like my posts.
    Wishing you more such happy travel stories.
    With love – Shikha, India 🙂

  13. Hey Gallivance!! I love how you cutomized the sight theme. This was my very first theme as I started blogging with wordpress. And I never knew it can turn into this so cool get up.. Love it… You nailed it….

    1. Thanks for the comment and for dropping by the blog Rafe. It has taken lots of experimentation and work (as you know), but we do like the Sight theme. Also, your blog looks great and your Oxygen theme was in our finalist list.

  14. Hello–Love this site!!! Extremely well done and I certainly will be a follower. Thank you also for reading my “Greatest Cities”. This one was fun writing. Take care. Bob

    1. Thanks for the nice comment Bob, and for dropping by the blog. As you know, blogging can be a fun hobby and a great outlet for ideas. We’ll keep coming back to your blog as well.

  15. Great website–Love the layout. I definitely will be a follower and many thanks for looking at “Greatest Cities”. Hope you will come back and take another look.

  16. hi there! thanks for dropping by my blog and liking one of the posts. I LOVE your story, and the travel too (keep it coming!)

    1. Thanks for the comment and for dropping by the blog Nin. I’m impressed that you’ve been blogging for 5 years. That’s quite an accomplishment. I particularly like the slide show presentation you’ve set up. Great idea!

  17. Your blog is wonderful! As is your story! It is amazing what true love and a desire to make the world a better place can do! You guys are an inspiration!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Very much appreciated! 🙂

    1. Hi Craig, Thanks for your very kind words. Your blog is lovely. I can only imagine the patience and perseverance it must have taken to get those incredible wildlife shots. Beautiful! All the best, Terri

  18. Thanks for visitng my blog and liking my post. My travel numbers are close to yours, though I’ve lived in entirely different countries, and always wanting to increase them! Cheers, Chiarina

    1. Hi Shru and Dan, Thanks so much. We loved your Sri Lanka post about your trip with Shru’s family. What an adventure! We thoroughly enjoyed Sri Lanka and recommend it to everyone who asks us about somewhere off the beaten path. Looking forward to reading more about your journey. All the best, Terri

  19. Hello Terri and James
    You definitely got a terrific blog. My husband and I love traveling.He would be delighted to know I discovered your vivacious blog as we are going to spend hours seeing places through you eyes.


    1. Hi Sayori, Thanks for your very sweet words. I hope that you and your husband enjoy your browsing. I love the letter you wrote to your Mom on your blog. It sounds like you are both very lucky to have each other. All the best, Terri

    1. Hi Mark, You’re welcome. I was first attracted by the Zatarain”s recipe, since I just visited New Orleans, and then as I read your story and recipes I was hooked. Of course James was instantly attracted to your post on “National Tater Tot Day!” Looking forward to reading more. All the best, Terri

  20. Good afternoon Terri and James~
    Thanks very much for “liking” our blog post! We look forward to following your story… what an amazing life!
    Nic and Jen

    1. Hi Nic and Jen, I love the concept of your blog. I have 3 sisters, spread across the USA, but we’re always talking, texting and sharing ideas. Thanks so much for stopping by. All the best, Terri

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m so glad you visited, because it opened the door to your blog, which is fantastic! You two have had a wonderful life together. I am looking forward to following your adventures!

  22. ok…. I’m going to sound like an old record but
    Thanks for reading my blog!!!!! 🙂
    I’m so glad I decided to look through yours…. You both are living my dream… maybe soon I’ll be a world nomad as well…
    Great inspiration for my work too!

  23. Brilliant story! John and I have been together for nearly 40 years and only began travelling about 30 years ago, when we had a little money. (But not much!). W began camping round Europe, with our two daughters and then did lots of long haul when they were old enough to go it alone!
    Thanks for your like. I hope to keep an eye on your blog and enjoy more of your stories

    1. Hi Marion, I love both of your blogs! Isn’t it interesting all these life transitions we go through? And you seem to be settling in nicely. We lived in London for several years and I remember the feeling when we left – definitely mixed emotions. Dorset is so lovely and I see lots of happiness ahead. All the best, Terri

      1. At school, I found people sometimes resisted change. I would say, “but, without change we will never learn anything!” Because surely, the state of learning IS a state of change.
        We both seem to embrace that change in our lives, and yes, it makes life interesting.

  24. I love this. I’ve been traveling for a living and galavanting abroad since 1998. I look forward to diving head first into your blog and reading about your adventures. I love it even more that you’re soul mates doing this together. 😀 Feel free to read about some of my adventures on http://www.theplayground.me

    1. I am so glad you stopped by. When I read your intro, you had me at “whiskey tasting!” We have a good friend who wrote her Master’s Thesis on Bourbon, and James was born in Kentucky, so you get the drift. Can’t wait to read more at “theplayground.” All the best, Terri

  25. Hi James & Terri, what a wonderful story you have. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I and my husband for 23 years love to travel, too,.. though not nearly as extensive you.

  26. When I was young(er) and first in love, this is the life I imagined for my partner and I – traveling the world together, making “home” wherever the other was. I love your love story, thank you for sharing it.

    1. Thank you so much Sandy. When I read your story “Let Him Go” I let out a low whistle and said, “Oh she’s good!” And you are. Your storytelling totally rocks! Please stop by anytime. Insights to Portugal and your heritage are much appreciated … and “rare as hen’s teeth” as my Dad used to say. All the Best, Terri

  27. So you two are pretty amazing. Im new to this whole blog thing and compared to you two, to this traveling thing as well. Thanks so much for taking the time to check out the blog of a novice!

    1. Thanks so much Taylor. You may say you’re a novice, but you’re a wonderful writer. I love your post “Love and Affection.” And you’re living in Thailand – I’d call that a very adventurous spirit! Wishing you all the best on your adventure, Terri

  28. Thanks for the follow. After only merely flicking through one page of your blog, it seems we are total novices. Hopefully like you, we can make traveling our life. Your story is a great inspiration

    1. Hi Cheryl and Adam, Thank you so much. It sounds like you’re really enjoying your travels in Southeast Asia. I love your story about the guy who fell off the boat in the Mekong – I think he used to live beside us in London! I also think the route you’ve chosen is fantastic – you’re hitting some places we haven’t made it to yet in South America. You’ll be our inspiration! All the best, Terri

      1. Oh really, this guy was an aussie? Was your neighbour! Small world i guess.ha. Thats certainly put a smile on our faces to know we will be followed by somebody with your experience, hopefully we can cover south america well for you and give a good insight. All the best

  29. Terri and James…you two are truly an inspiration! I loved hearing about your story. Can’t wait to read the blogs of your journey. Safe travels!

    1. Hi Ryan, Thanks so much. And what about you, first country out of the gate and you head to China! I am so impressed! It is a truly fascinating place. We were there several years ago, yet it is clearly etched in my mind. I’m really enjoying seeing it through your eyes. All the best, Terri

    1. Hi Pippa, Abu Dhabi is a big change, and you seem to be embracing it with wonderful curiosity and spirit. I applaud you and look forward to reading lots more. All the best, Terri

    1. Hi Stacy, Louisiana is one of our all-time favorite places, so it must be the perfect place to plant your roots. We lived in New Orleans fresh out of college and began our love affair with your beautiful state. We may have wandered far and wide, but we always return to Louisiana. All the best, Terri

  30. Hello, thanks for visiting my blogs and liking them. Wow, I’m amazed at your travels, adventures and love story. Never a dull moment in your exciting life! Wish you many more happy travels.

    1. Hi Ramonade, It sounds like you’ve been having some fun family trips. I really enjoyed your post on the Coach Starlight. James and I used to take it when we lived in Oregon and absolutely loved it. All the best, Terri

  31. Hi Terri and James, I LOVE your story.. and only feel a tiny twinge of envy at the breadth of your travel experiences and the joy of doing so with a lifelong partner. I look forward to joining you (vicariously) on your continued gallivances 😉
    Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and for your thoughtful and encouraging comments! Coming to Bali anytime soon?
    Bon voyage…

    1. Thanks Healingpilgrm, You are telling the most incredible story. I was stunned when I read it, and captivated by your incredible resilience. And Bali is such an astounding setting for you. We were just back this past year, and as always, thrilled by its beauty. Looking forward to reading lots more, Terri

      1. This island is indeed just the right setting for my life-in-process.. thnx. Hope your RTW travels bring you back to Bali again, and may our paths cross! May you continue to enjoy the unfolding treats that this, our small world, offer us.. one destination after another 😉

    1. Hi Hannah, I’m embarrassed to say that I knew very little about Annie Smith Peck until I read your blog. What incredible accomplishments she chalked up. I’m totally hooked and looking forward to reading more. All the best, Terri

  32. Wonderful! And so inspiring – so wonderful to know there are people like you – brave and open – living insecurity – which is really inner security! Thanks for liking my post! I will read through your stories with much enthusiasm.

  33. Love you traveling love birds! Sweethearts from high school – I’m impressed. Makes me happy to hear how you enjoy taking in the world.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Happy travels to you both!

  34. ITs so lovely to come across you both and Wow! you have visited almost half of the earth!:-) thank you so much for being on my blog and its a pleasure reading your experiences in different countries

    1. Soumyav, That’s such an interesting observation … one that I hadn’t thought of! I guess that since there are 190 countries, it looks like we have a long, wonderful way to go! ;-} ~Terri

      1. I did travel to many interesting sites in China, including the Silk Road, Tibet etc. and Turkey and Greece. These were all before my blogging days.

    1. Oh Wow! 94 Countries – that is so cool. We’re just a couple of pikers compared to you. I must ask, do you have any must-see recommendations after all your travel? I truly want to hear your stories. I guess those “itchy feet” never go away. Thanks so much for stopping by. Please come back any time. All the best, Terri

    1. Hi Carolin, It’s such a treat to come across an optimist – a kindred spirit! When we moved to Khartoum, Sudan (our first overseas adventure) many years ago, a local expat naysayer accused me of being a Pollyanna – meaning that I was excited to learn and experience all I could. Well, my optimism served me well and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Thanks so much for stopping by, ~Terri

    1. Thanks Luzia. I loved your post “I Heart Minimalism.” We embarked on “our version” of the concept several years ago, and haven’t looked back. It’s helped us simplify our lives, find the essence of our passions, and live each day to the fullest. Thanks for sharing your insights. All the Best, Terri

    1. Hi Suzanne, Wow! What a wonderful surprise and honor. And these other blogs truly rock – we’re thrilled to be included in such great company.Thank you so much. All the Best, Terri & James

    1. Thanks Sunmallia – we always have fun, that’s for sure! I really enjoyed your post and photos of the fascinating elephant seals. So glad that you stopped by. All the best, Terri

  35. I love it! I think you’ve inspired me @ 45 to start travelling. But I think I need a better ‘career’ – a way to do it. But sitting in one place for too long bores the shit outta me! Finally waking to the realization of the existence of the explorer within, once and for all! Thanks… 😉

    1. Thanks Boo-Dah-Beli! We think you’re never too old to start traveling – in fact “real life world experience” helps so much to provide context for what you’ll see and experience. We find ourselves more curious about the world everyday. I loved your post on “Less is More” so you’ve already jumped one of the biggest hurdles. Wishing you all the best on your journey, Terri

  36. Thanks so much for visiting. What a lovely story!! As you know from visiting my blog, I am fascinated by all the world has to offer. I am so bewildered by people who have no interest in leaving their home country. What is your home country?

    I’m signing up. Eager for your ongoing adventures….

    1. As life-long travelers, it’s also difficult for us to understand homebound folks. But of course, I suspect that lots of people have a difficult time relating to a traveler’s lifestyle as well. BTW, I love you recent post on countryside walks in the UK. We lived in London for a few years, and really enjoyed our weekend “rambles” on the wonderful footpaths. And FYI, our home country is the US, where we live on the Georgia coast. Thanks for visiting.

  37. Thank you for stopping by my painting blog, I’m happy that you like my work.

    There are 3 things that I am most passionate about and couldn’t imagine my life without… My family, being creative, and TRAVEL!!! We are kindred spirits. You guys are an inspiration to me! I have already spent my morning reading about your incredible travels (and reliving memories of my own) and I can’t wait to read more!

    Thank you for sharing!

    My best,
    Melissa McKinnon

    1. Thank you so much Melissa. You are an amazingly talented artist. I was so struck by “A Beautiful Mess.” Absolutely gorgeous. So glad you stopped by. Please come back any time. All the Best, Terri

  38. Hi Terri and James, Thanks for dropping by my (very new and feeling its way) blog and liking a couple of posts! Wow, what a great blog you have! As an avid armchair traveller I can’t wait to read some of your posts – I’ve already checked out your comments on Macchu Picchu as it’s THE place in the world I most want to visit. Jobs and children currently hamper the desire to travel too far but when there’s just the two of us I hope the campervan will be clocking up many more miles…..Happy travelling!!

    1. Hi Alison, You are such a beautiful weaver. That scarf you made is to die for! It sounds like your campervan is going to get a workout in the future (James is dying for a campervan). So I guess the real question is, Will your loom fit in/on the capmpervan? ;~} Terri

  39. Thank you for the like on my page which lead me to your’s! I’ve just been exploring a lot of what you have to say and everything is bringing a massive smile to my face. I hope that I can integrate more travel into my life when I finish my studies, you’re such an inspiration! x

    1. Thanks so much Victoria. I loved your post “A Journey through Castilla y León” because although I’ve been to Bilbao, I have not yet visited the surrounding towns. You did a great job of piquing my interest. Thanks! I think I’ll pass on the lechazo, though! All the best, Terri

  40. Wow, you are a picture of my desired future. I have spent most of my life living abroad and travelling. Now, I am with my high-school sweet heart living in San Francisco and next year we are both moving to South-East Asia. Teaching on the international circuit allows me to move almost every year and finance my travel, as well as give me a better sense of the destination –staying there for a year or two at a time. My partner and I are excited for a life of not looking back. It is eerie to see how similar our beginnings are. We currently backpack and tent camp our way across America every summer. Best of luck to both of you on your next adventure. I am enjoying your blog very much so far.

    1. Thank you Johannes. I love your philosophy of staying in a destination for a year or two to work and explore. We have taken a similar approach for many years and it’s certainly been fun. And as to camping, we’re hoping for an early spring so we can try some new places. Will you camp this summer? All the best, Terri

    1. Many thanks. We always manage to have fun – as do you it appears. I’m really enjoying your blog since London is my second home and I miss it regularly. Looking forward to reading so much more. All the best, Terri

  41. Bliss! Two beautiful souls, around the globe, sharing happiness and warmth. Love will follow you wherever you go. Keep inspiring fools like me 🙂 Happy to meet you.
    Warm Regards

  42. Really enjoyed this photo essay about your lives. London is my favorite city, still too, although I haven’t been there since 1987. Can’t believe it. I hope I can go back this year! I love that you’ve traveled so much together.

    1. Hi Robyn, I can’t believe it’s you! I have followed your journeys for years – Appalachian Trail, China, Japan! You’re my hero! Were you on WordPress all that time? I’m so glad to talk with you, and it sounds like things are going well in Japan. Very happy for you. Thanks for your very kind words, and I really look forward to staying in touch. All the best, Terri

  43. Hi guys, thanks for stopping by our blog. It’s a privilege to have such seasoned travellers reading ours. Love reading your gallivancing story I’m looking forward to reading more of your adventures. I hope we’re still going for our 3rd and 4th RTW adventures like you:) best wishes from Buenos Aires.

  44. I hope in my next life, I come back as part of a team like you two. Thank you for visiting and liking my blog. Looking forward to following your adventures!

  45. Fun story. Estonia and Latvia are on my list of places to go… Lithuania, too. I”ll have to check out more of your pages.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! We really liked all the Baltic States, so hopefully you find something in our posts that will help you plan your trip. We would go back anytime! All the best, Terri

  46. Ah…Halloween…I was proposed to and accepted on a Friday the 13th, now we celebrate every 13th. But Friday’s are special. Hubby’s work took him several places. Now though is current job just takes him to different states (insanity being one) – Anyway – Humor is a very good thing!

    Best to you both and thanks for your visits.

    1. Thanks Jules, for the comment and for dropping by the blog. Coincidentally, we got married on St. Patricks day. We really didn’t plan it that way, it just happened to coincide with a weekend day on our college spring break. A big side benefit with these anniversaries, is that I’m not likely to forget our anniversary and St Patrick’s day. We’ll think of you on the next Friday the 13. ~James

  47. Hi Jade,
    Congratulations on your award – it’s certainly well deserved! We also wanted to thank you for honoring us by nominating us for the Inspiring Blog Award. Please follow this link to our Awards Page to see our personal response and Thank You.
    Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

  48. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award! I love your blog and find it to be very inspirational! Check out more here…arielrosesuares.wordpress.com

    1. Hi Ariel,
      Congratulations on your award – richly deserved! We also want to thank you for honoring us by nominating us for the Inspiring Blog Award. Please follow this link to our Awards Page to see our personal response and Thank You.
      Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

  49. Wow, your story is absolutely impressive and wonderful! I hope to one day be able to achieve what you both have as it is my dream to see the world 🙂

  50. Thanks for coming over to Eclectic Medicine and checking out my page, hopefully provided you with some inspiration! What a wonderful blog you have here. Congrats on your success!

  51. That’s quite some travel you’ve done and I’m glad that London is Terri’s favourite city – of course you obviously haven’t been to Exeter!

    1. Hi G, I love Exeter! When I lived in London (several years ago) I did consulting work with RAMM, so I got to spend lots of time in your lovely city. I bet you love living there. All the best, Terri

  52. Wonderful love story.

    Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you took to stop by. May your day be filled with joy and peace.

  53. Love your story and your picture… we are in Oia now and don’t want to leave. Thx for reading our blog. New to blogging so was surprised anyone outside of family actually read it! Wish we could travel more, by only our passion for what we do keeps us home, so all good. Getting to see how humans all over the world live and play is our favorite sovenir…no matter where go.

    1. Thanks for the comment and for dropping by the blog. I envy your being on Santorini, we loved it there. It appears that we traveled the same path as you. On our last RTW, we stopped on Rome, then Santorini, and spent a month in Athens. And like you, we primarily set up our blog so family and friends could keep track of us. It worked great for us, and our family loved it. After Santorini, we went to Cyprus. Where are you off to? ~James

  54. Thank you so much for visiting our blog and liking our posts. We would love to travel a lot more than we do now. If you don’t mind us asking, how many times in one year did you move? It sounds like so much fun! Thank you for sharing your lives with us. – IKB

    1. Hi IKB, and thanks for your kind words. I really like your list of virtues on your blog. When we were corporate folks we moved every year or so – often everseas. When we started our own consulting company we could live anywhere we wanted, so we moved pretty regularly. We based our work around projects and traveled between projects. What we did learn was to simplify – moving your belongings from place to place gets very old. So we seriously downsized and it made all the difference. Wishing you all the best in your quest, Terri

  55. Thanks for dropping by my blog and liking my post on Adventures. Looks like you guys have quite a memory bank from many countries. Look forward to keeping up with your adventures.

    1. Totally my pleasure Melanee. I love your idea of keeping track of your adventures on a map. James (aka “the map guy”) loves to do this too, and has taught our youngest niece how to track our travel. It’s a great visual! So glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

  56. Your blog is georgous. It’s colourful, entertaining and informative. Me and my husband have always to planned to travel once the kids are grown up and this blog has made me more determined than ever!

    1. Thank you so much Julia. And I’m really enjoying your blog too – if I ever move to Spain I’ll get my information straight from you! I love your post about “Things You Do and Don’t Love About Living in Spain.” So glad that you stopped by, and looking forward to more insights about living in Spain. All the best, Terri

  57. Thank you for liking my blogs on “Late Bloomer!” As nomads you probably don’t have time to put down roots in the soil, so I hope you can garden vicariously through this late bloomer! I look forward to your travels! “Late Bloomer” website will have a whole new look soon, and the 23rd episode of urban gardening is at the link below! Best wishes! – Kaye

    1. Hi Kaye, We’re so glad to have you here – your blog is a total joy! And although we’re nomads, I’m an avid (or should I say “rabid” gardener)! I’m constantly planting and tending things no matter where we are – whether it’s containers on balconies in temporary apartments, square-foot gardens in tiny condo yards, or full-scale landscaping for a house that we’ve bought to flip to fund our wanderlust. That’s why I love your blog so much! All the best, Terri

    1. The pleasure was all mine Deborah. Your blog is beautiful – I was particularly struck by your Easter eggs. Gorgeous! Thanks for your encouraging words. All the best, Terri

    1. Hello Vanentina – so glad you stopped by. I was totally captivated by your “F is for Fainting Moments” post – so romantic. Thank you for you sweet words. All the best, Terri

  58. love your blog, love your personal story – thanks for traveling over to my blog and liking it ) i look forward to reading more from you – peace, beth

    1. Thanks so much Red! We are huge fans of Edinburgh – used to live in London, but traveled there regularly for business and pleasure. You picked a wonderful place to settle. So glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

  59. Thanks to you BOTH for visiting my blog. This is the first blog I have seen written by a couple which is so lovely… Warm wishes from Kingston, Jamaica!

    1. Thanks Emma, for the comment and for dropping by the blog. In addition to having a fun hobby together, having a partner to share the writing, makes coming up with posts tons easier. All the best. ~James

  60. Thank you for taking a peek at my newly minted blog. I love your story and look forward to wending my way through your many posts. Cheers from Winnipeg, Canada (soon to be Progreso, Mexico).

    1. The pleasure was all mine. You have such an exciting adventure ahead. When is your “blast off” date? Can’t wait to hear about your exploits. Please stop by here any time. All the best, Terri

    1. I was drawn in to your great accounts of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in Savannah – a city we dearly love. Although we’re veterans of New Orleans Mardi Gras, this was our first Savannah St. Pat’s. Loved it! I particularly enjoyed your stories of staking out your territory on the Square! All the best, Terri

  61. Thanks for liking my blog! I love your story and the photos of you both – from the wallpaper I think we’re from the same era!! We also had a first holiday in a small tent like yours – ours was in France.

    1. Hi Trish! That is so funny about the wallpaper – it was flocked and avocado green. Not a great combination. It was so stuck to the wall that we finally had to break down and paint over it. It turned out pretty cool! I love talking with people who’ve been tent camping. It puts a whole new perspective on life. All the best, Terri

  62. Love this post– We lived a year in Costa Rica and 12 in Spain, but are now living back in California. I can’t wait to read on and hear all your wanderings. No one can accuse you for settling for a dull life!

  63. Thanks for the “like” on my post! Yours is pretty cool too!!!! I’m also on Twitter – @holliegraceanne. Happy blogging!!! 🙂

  64. Thank you for visiting my blog! I really appreciate it. I loved reading the story between you two. It has definitely inspired me to maybe step out of my comfort zone and try going somewhere new. I’m always afraid of the language barrier that may conflict when in another country. But learning’s never ending, right?

    1. Hi Seto, You totally drew me in to your blog with promises of S’mores! In the middle of winter that sounds really good. I think it’s totally natural to worry about language barriers because we all want to communicate. We’ve found that by learning a handful of useful words and phrases you show your hosts respect, and they’re happy to help you stumble along. And you’re so right that learning’s never ending – thank goodness! All the best, Terri

      1. Haha, somehow keeping things simple always gets the most love. Hopefully, in the near future, I can become as adventurous as you and your wife. Good to know that I might not be the only one who has that concern. I guess I shouldn’t let one concern stop me. And just so you know, your reply has somehow made my day a little more great than it already was 🙂

  65. Wow you two have an incredible life! I have only done some traveling and did love Amsterdam and Paris. I have been busy being a single working mother and have not been able to afford the luxury of traveling. However he is graduating high school this June and who knows what my next journey will be. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    1. Hi Jan, You’ve already been to 2 of my favorite cities. We lived in Amsterdam for a while and totally loved it. For us, travel is always a fun thing to save for, even if it means skipping the Starbucks and putting that money in the “travel piggy bank.” Hopefully your next journey will be soon. I was drawn to your blog by that delicious-looking chocolate cake! All the best, Terri

    1. Hi Cathy,
      Congratulations on your award – richly deserved! We also want to thank you for honoring us by nominating us for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Can’t wait to check out all these enticing blogs.

      Please follow this link to our Awards Page to see our personal response and Thank You.
      Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

  66. Hi Terri & James, thanks for visiting my blog. I am so glad you found me…it means I could find you! I LOVE your story. LOVE it. You are living the dream. I am too, partly. I travel solo and have not YET been found by my soulmate. I’m happy though. What makes it even better is knowing guys like you are out there, touch, feeling and appreciating this amazing planet of ours… x

    1. Hi India, your blog is gorgeous! Many thanks for your kindness. We freely admit that we just got very lucky when we found each other. Your solo travels are a joy to read about and an inspiration to so many. Looking forward to more of your travels. All the best, Terri

  67. What a beautiful love story! I look forward to reading more of your posts. My husband and I started traveling about 5 years ago–mainly by motorcycle and have loved every minute of it! thanks for visiting my blog! Brenda

    1. Thanks Brenda, and I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog, too. I’m a die-hard gardener, so I’ve managed to grow (and kill) plants around the world! LOL Enjoy your travels. All the best, Terri

    1. Thank you Milly and Ryan! I really enjoy meeting high-school sweethearts, and I love your life and travel philosophy. It looks like you’re living it to the fullest. I applaud your intrepid spirits and really look forward to more of your adventures. All the best, Terri

    1. Congratulations Perpetua! What a fascinating gathering of people you’ve assembled. We are touched and honored to be included in such eminent company. Many thanks. Can’t wait to check out all these enticing blogs.

      Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

  68. Thank you, Terri & James for checking out my blog! Your story is truly an inspiration. I hope my husband and I will continue to travel together as you two do. All the best! I’ll be following your travels and taking notes from your tips. 🙂

    1. Hi Julie & Jeremy, your blog is a joy! I am so inspired by your story – generosity, curiosity, and fun. I think what you’re doing is fantastic and am so looking forward to reading more. Thanks for your very kind words. All the best, Terri

    1. Congratulations on your award Sian – richly deserved! What a fascinating gathering of people you’ve assembled. We are touched and honored to be included in such eminent company. Many thanks. Can’t wait to check out all these enticing blogs.

      Please follow this link to our Awards Page to see our personal response and Thank You.
      Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

  69. I love this! Reminds me of my relationship and the common ground I share with my boyfriend. We have been dating for almost 3 years and have travelled together more than anything. I am more of a writer and he is the picture taking/social media guy. I always tell him we should blog or post our travels together and finding your blog is inspiring. Who knows if marriage is in our future but your story makes me smile ! Cheers!

    1. Thanks so much Milah! It sounds like you and your boyfriend make the perfect team! You should definitely blog about your adventures. Do you have a favorite destination or story … we’d love to hear it! All the best, Terri

      1. I think our most unique destination as a new couple was Dubai. Lucky for HIM I have relatives there lol. I think that was when he knew I was a keeper hahaha
        Your blog as well as a few others have me re-thinking the layout of my own. I am really considering broadening my topic range so that I can share fun things like travel. I am new to blogging but learning quickly I shouldn’t limit my ideas.

      2. Dubai is an interesting place. We lived in Khartoum, Sudan and found it to be a fascinating and humbling experience. I think it’s great for a blog to evolve as you do. Some people choose to keep the same blog; others start more than one. We decided that broadening our scope was the way we wanted to go. I’ll be interested to see what you decide. ~Terri

      3. I think its so cool that you got to actually live in some of the places you have visited and truly absorb the environment and culture. Thanks for the encouragement and I am also interested in seeing how I make the shift on my blog as well lol :o)

  70. Hi, thanks for stopping by and liking my post. I love your story and that you are writing this as a couple. Great adventures, photos and stories! I look forward to following.

    1. Totally my pleasure, Avril. I really enjoyed your post “Gin in Teacups” – such an evocative phrase that makes me smile. And thanks for your kind words. James and I have fun collaborating on the blog because we often come at things from totally different perspectives … with some surprising results! All the best, Terri

      1. Hi Terri, thank you for your kind comments. I’m still quite new to blogging, and it was a bit scary and unknown to me at first! So to get some nice feedback and comments has been lovely for me. I love the collaborative aspect and journey of your blog and your shared history together, it’s lovely, and makes for a really interesting blog. Thanks for getting in touch with me. I look forward to reading more of your adventures! X

  71. Thanks for visiting my Europe blog. Just getting a little taste of what you folks have been up to for years. It’s going to take me a while to get through your stories, but I will enjoy reading your adventures.

    1. Hi Rosemarie, So glad you stopped by! What a wonderful adventure you have planned! That area of the world is beyond gorgeous. I’m looking forward to keeping up with you as you re-explore Europe. All the best, Terri

    1. Thank you so much! It looks like we have some things in common – in our first expat adventure we moved from Dallas, TX to Khartoum, Sudan! You’re right, it was sure tough to leave Texas. Since then we’ve had many more expat adventures and lived in lots of other places in the US. So I’m really looking forward to catching up on your great blog. Glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

    1. Dawn, Thank you so much! I was glad I discovered your blog because I enjoy your forthright style and sense of humor. Congrats on the FP and here’s wishing you all the best for getting your novel published soon. ~Terri

      1. Thanks so much! FP?? Are you talking about 2 years ago, or is there something you know that I don’t? If it’s that first one, well see: I’m Teflon! I have already dismissed that, assuming that it was because I was new blogger and the FP people seem to like to encourage new bloggers. IF and when I ever get it again, I will do such a happy, I’m gloating dance! The novel: eek! I need to figure that one out. Thanks so much for the encouragement and support.

  72. Oh my goodness ~ what a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing! Love the pictures through the years!!! Just amazing.

    1. Thank you so much Frances. It sounds like you and your family are having an amazing experience in China and I’m looking forward to to reading more. So glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

    1. Congratulations on your award Linda! What a fascinating gathering of people you’ve assembled. We are touched and honored to be included in such eminent company. Many thanks. Can’t wait to check out all these enticing blogs.

      Please follow this link to our Awards Page to see our personal response and Thank You.
      Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

      1. Thank you very much! Great page. And yes, I picked a good bunch 😉 All very entertaining and interesting people! You’re in good company!

  73. I appreciate you passing by my blog & I’m glad you have opened the door to yours, a truly inspiring “Our Story” page (and absolutely adorable! 🙂 ) Looking forward to strolling through Gallivance 🙂

  74. Hi James & Terri! It was a lovely surprise to see that you had visited my blog and liked a few of my posts while I was away in California! Thank you so much for taking the time to read them, and I hope you will visit again! I’m just catching up with my blog so feel a bit out of the loop, but great to be back and I love your blog, more than anything, your history together and the life which you share. A very rich life indeed 🙂

    1. Hi Sherri, Thanks for your lovely words. I’m sure it feels good to be back at home and your Summer House after your sentimental journey. So welcome back to your blog – looking forward to reading more. All the best, Terri

    1. Congratulations on your award! What a fascinating gathering of people you’ve assembled. We are touched and honored to be included in such eminent company. Many thanks. Can’t wait to check out all these enticing blogs.

      Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

  75. Congratulations on your awards Mamacormier! What a fascinating gathering of people you’ve assembled. We are touched and honored to be included in such eminent company. Many thanks. Can’t wait to check out all these enticing blogs.

    Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

  76. What a beautiful story! The spirit and vigour with which you live your lives is something that I’m sure many of us wish we had! You are such an inspiration and a living reminder to live life to its fullest! Thank you for sharing your lives and I look forward to reading your adventures! 🙂

    1. Mira, thank you so much! We decided a long time ago to “carpe diem” and that’s what we’ve been doing. Your blog is so beautiful … and mouth-watering! The key lime pie looks particularly delicious. So glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

      1. Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site! The key lime pie is one of my favourites. I do hope you get to try some of the recipes! 🙂

    1. The pleasure was all mine Andreas! Your blog is beautiful, with stunning photos. I particularly love your yellow flower masthead. Thanks for stopping by. All the best, Terri

      1. Hi Terri and thank you! The yellow flower is a sunflower, which I grew a few years ago. Unfortunately the seeds I saved did not come up true, but I’m living in hope that one day I’ll be able to grow another like that – it is simply stunning to look at.

  77. Hi you two — It’s a delight to see how you are living the lives you truly want to live, and thriving. I can relate a bit — careers in both journalism and intl development had me travelling a lot myself, for a long time. Thanks for discovering my blog, and for your generous interest in my recent BC posts.

    1. Hi Penny, Many thanks for your kind words. I am a “walking woman” too, so I was immediately drawn to your fascinating blog – great masthead! I love all the walks you describe and can’t wait to read more. So glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

    1. Congratulations on your award Tanny! You certainly deserve it. What a fascinating gathering of people you’ve assembled. We are touched and honored to be included in such eminent company. Many thanks. Can’t wait to check out all these enticing blogs.

      Please follow this link to our Awards Page to see our personal response and Thank You.

      Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

  78. Congratulations! You’ve been nominated as a VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER by Jadi at jadicampbell.wordpress.com. Go to her most recent post to see your nomination and learn about the award. THANK YOU for sharing your experiences and ideas with the blogosphere!

    1. Jadi, Congratulations on your award! You certainly deserve it.

      What a fascinating gathering of people you’ve assembled. We are touched and honored to be included in such eminent company. Many thanks. Can’t wait to check out all these enticing blogs.

      Please follow this link to our Awards Page to see our personal response and Thank You.

      Wishing you all the best,
      Terri & James

  79. Thank you for “liking” my blog post – I came over here to check it out and “lost” almost an hour reading through some of your exciting stories! I look forward to reading more!

  80. Hi guys,

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Reading through ‘Our Story’ I found myself smiling at the photos. Recognition of an era!

    I loved James’ ‘shorts’ – the same my husband used to wear and I too sported similar hairdos!

    Looks like you guys have had a good life! Good on you. Keep it up.

    Take care,


    1. Hi Sonia, So glad you stopped by. I thoroughly enjoyed your wonderful blog and look forward to returning. I love your masthead. It’s funny how photos create their own time capsule of an era – clothes, hairstyles, cars – all the “dating mechanisms.” It looks like you towo are really enjoying your travels – isn’t it a great learning experience? All the best, Terri

  81. Hi James and Terri, thanks for visiting my blog and leading me to yours. What a fascinating life and a great blog! I’ve lived in 4 countries and visited just under 30… so a long way to go for me 🙂 Yours stories are lovely.

  82. I am glad I found your blog- you have been doing pretty much exactly what my boyfriend and I hope to do for the rest our lives. And, our second date was Halloween 🙂

    1. Hi Stephanie, so glad you stopped by! Halloween dates must be good luck for great relationships! I know they are definitely memorable! 🙂 Wishing you all the best in your quest, Terri

  83. Wow….scroll scroll scroll and more scroll ….lol ;)))
    You sure have lot of admirers and I can see why:).
    What an amazing and wholesome soulsome blog. I am glad we crossed the paths.
    Thanks for visiting my corner. I really appreciate it:).
    Sonal @ simplyvegetarian777

  84. What a fantastic life you’ve led/are leading. Glad you’ve got a base camp. That’s something we are striving for but don’t know where yet. Thanks for your visit to my blog. I’m off now to visit yours some more.

    1. Thanks Denny. Travel can be a lonely business, and our relationship is one of the big things that has kept us traveling all these years. It’s always easier with a companion. ~James & Terri

    1. So glad you stopped by MM. Your photos of the Bac Ha Market are stunning, and as a former veggie grower (no room now), I love your garden endeavors! That cucumber is a whopper! All the best, Terri

  85. Hey Guys! Thanks for checking out our blog, which is in the infant stages as I’m sure you saw. You’re travels and stories are absolutely amazing and, for a young couple about to begin our own similar journey, certainly quite inspiring. As a side note, I LOVE Charleston, SC. We just finished our undergrads at Coastal Carolina in Myrtle Beach, not too far away. It must be nice to travel the world and come home to an equally amazing city. Keep an eye out for our blog in the next couple months, we will be starting our first international positions at the Shark Lab in the bahamas at the start of the new year!


    1. Hi Zach, I am so impressed with your blog, and the quality of your photos is awesome! It certainly doesn’t look like you’re in the infant stages. You must be excited about your work at the Shark Lab – now THAT’s not something you hear everyday! What will you be doing? And I’m with you, Charleston totally rocks (as does Myrtle Beach in a different way). Now we live on an island off the Georgia coast when we’re not on the road. Really looking forward to tagging along with you. All the best, Terri

  86. Thank you for letting me know about your blog, guys! As a guy in his early travels wishing to travel more but not quite sure where to start, I find the beginnings of your journeys encouraging!

    1. Hi Chris, So glad you stopped by. It’s always so exciting to start planning a new adventure – figuring out where you want to go and how to make that a reality. Are you traveling now or in the planning process? (Btw, your gravatar link doesn’t work – thought you’d want to know). All the best, Terri

  87. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I really enjoyed looking at some of your travel photos. My first trip was to Belize! I can’t wait to go back there one day, I loved it.
    Your blog looks fantastic, really great quality and variety! Looking forward to reading more.
    annierose 🙂

    1. Thanks for the comment Annie, and for dropping by the blog. It’s interesting that Belize was my first trip abroad from the US as well. I was working while I was there, but I did get around a bit (loved the ruins). Also, I managed to contract my first (yes there was a second) case of dengue hemorrhagic fever while I was there and spent a week in the hospital. Those memories aren’t so nice, but it’s part of the travel package I guess. ~James

  88. What a wonderful blog the two of you have… and your beautiful story inspired me to continue on traveling even more with my own love, John. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post on Montenegro. Namaste 🙂

  89. Hey James and Terri! You guys liked a post on my blog so I wanted to check out your blog and say, “Hi!” I’ve only read your “about” page so far, and wow – what a life you guys lead. I was born and raised in California, but have lived in several other states and seen much of the us and have been to Canada and Mexico. That’s about it for my traveling experience – thus far anyway! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I’m gonna go check out some of your posts now. Celeste 🙂

    1. Hi Celeste, Wonderful to meet you! Mike and Florence Lince have been singing your praises, and after visiting your excellent blog I can see why! Congrats on making the transition to vegan and thanks for all your inspiring posts. Looking forward to learning more. All the best, Terri

  90. Thanks for coming by my blog and liking my posts. I have just spent a while looking at your blog and reading about your travels. This is the lifestyle I’m trying to lead, it is inspiring to see that it can be done!

    1. The pleasure was all mine. 🙂 From what I read on your blog it looks like you’re well on your way to a travel lifestyle. Congrats! So glad that you stopped by. All the best, Terri

  91. Thanks for stopping by our blog!! I love your story, and so funny – my hubby and I met on Halloween too, and have since traveled to 50+ countries!! Do you think it might have something to do with couples meeting on Halloween?? 😉

    1. That’s amazing Shelley! I’ve never met anyone else who started their story on Halloween. Isn’t it fun – and a guaranteed celebration! 🙂 You are definitely an intrepid traveler – do you have favorite destinations? All the best, Terri

      1. It certainly is (and easy to remember too) 😉 Hmm, favourite destinations…difficult question for travellers I think! But Thailand (we’ve been 5 times), Bali (Ubud in particular), South Africa, Italy, Paris, Croatia…gah, the list goes on forever!

        I see you haven’t made it to South Korea yet! Time for a wander over? 🙂

    1. Awww Sue, thank you so much. And talk about inspirations – I can’t believe you’re getting ready to run a marathon (and training in the snow)! I really enjoy your blog and will be thinking of you on December 8th. You go girl! All the best, Terri

      1. Terri your words and support mean a great deal to me. I can’t believe sometimes what I’m doing either 🙂 I just knew I would regret if I never tried to complete a marathon and living in Calgary it is pretty hard to avoid the snow. Sue

  92. Hi James and Terri, I have nominated you for a Sunshine Award! Have a look at my blog to see how to accept it. If you don’t want it, no worries. You are still a ray of sunshine!

    1. Congratulations on your award Carol! You certainly deserve it.

      What a fascinating gathering of people you’ve assembled. We are touched and honored to be included in such eminent company. Many thanks. Can’t wait to check out all these enticing blogs.

      Please follow this link to our Awards Page to see our personal response and Thank You.

      Wishing you all the best, Terri & James

      1. What a great awards page you have! I see you have another Sunshine Award but the one I awarded you is different, though just as sunny. Thanks for the plug and the link. 😆

    1. Ashleigh, your blog is a joy! I love your sense of humor and writing style. It sounds like you and your husband are well on your way on the adventure front, so luck is in your favor. So glad that you stopped by … and congrats on the FP. 🙂 ~Terri

    1. Thank you Ellen! I really like your blog – teaching ESL takes a very special person and you obviously enjoy and excel at it. I’m currently in the southern USA and I sure can say that it looks really cold up there where you are! Yikes! 🙂 Stay warm. All the best, Terri

  93. Thanks for the likes on my posts! I’m excited to start reading some of yours. I see that the Southern Cone of South America is missing from your travel list- hope you’ll make it there soon!

    1. Hi Gaby, I really enjoy your blog and I’m looking forward to reading more! I love the use of “Charlando” – a wonderful new word for my vocabulary. And you’re right about the “gap in our map.” Our goal is to rectify that this year. 🙂 So glad that you stopped by. ~Terri

    1. Thanks so much Nancy! I enjoy your blog immensely – what a fascinating life you are living. Does your self-questioning have to do with your camper envy? It looks very tempting! 🙂 All the best, Terri

  94. Thank you for visiting my blog. wow, your story is inspiring. can’t wait to look around and explore more of your blog.

  95. You have travelled and lived far. I will never travel that many countries. Best wishes for years ahead still with adventures of all kinds.

  96. Hello James and Terri…Wow! That’s a blog! You have some lovely tales and stories to share – will be stopping by more often surely! All the best for your future plans! Regards.

    1. Thank you – we’re so glad that you stopped by. I just read your About Page and I’m so impressed because you you said the one magic word – humbled by travel. Wow – you hit the nail on the head. Our first jobs in Khartoum taught us that lesson and it has made such a difference in how we view the world. Wishing you all the best in your quest. ~Terri

      1. The pleasure is mine! I can imagine almost exactly what you mean by the humbling bit. Looking forward to reading more of your blog posts! Thank you for the wishes, wishing you the same too!

  97. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I came here after you liked a post on mine and I’m loving your blog. World travel was always my dream and I like to travel vicariously thru pics and stories like yours. 🙂

    1. Hi Jennifer! I love your Mardi Gras post – I’ve never had a blueberry King Cake. They were always sold out! 🙂 Can’t wait to try it. So glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

  98. I can’t believe I never clicked on your about page! You guys truly are inspiring and role models for the rest of us who want to open our minds and experience adventures through travel. Thanks for that! 🙂 Steph

    1. Hi Steph! OOPS! So sorry that your very kind comment slipped through the cracks. My apologies. Just like you, our goal is to have fun and see the humor in just about any situation – we even managed to find the humor in James’ latest round of Dengue Fever. 🙂 All the best, Terri

  99. I know everyone commenting on this has said it but I can’t help it: You are so inspiring! I’ve been smiling ever since I clicked on your blog and I’m very happy to have found you. You guys are living the dream and it makes me happy to know such a life is possible!
    Good luck and rock on! 🙂

    1. Wow, Lucia! Thanks so much. We’re so glad that you stopped by. We were just talking about how traveling has become “second nature” to us, so I guess it truly is a passion. 🙂 Are you a traveler, too? I tried to check out your website, but your gravatar leads to a discontinued site. Wishing you all the best, Terri

      1. Thanks for letting me know, i tried to fix it!

        Yeah, traveling’s a passion for me too, reading your blog makes me feel like my travel dreams aren’t so crazy after all. It’s beautiful that you can do that! 🙂

  100. Hello there! What an amazing blog you have here! And what a wonderful story on your about page. It looks like you have some fun and interesting adventures here! I am enjoying looking through your blog. Just stopping by to say hello. 🙂

    1. Hi Tracey, So glad that you stopped by! I discovered your new site and really enjoyed it. It looks like you have several sites that I look forward to exploring, or is geokult-travel.com going to become your consolidated site? All the best, Terri

      1. Hi Terri,
        Thanks for your kind comments.
        We are focusing our energies on building geokult-travel.com as it seems to be evolving as the epicentre 🙂
        I will be writing about online media at times for mediakult and my own site but my focus is on travel and learning and meeting other cool people doing amazing things (like gallivance). I look forward to keeping in touch.


  101. Hey There, thanks for checking out my Sew Far, Sew Good blog which I have all of two posts on! Obviously, I am just starting out. 🙂

    I am enjoying reading about your travels. Amsterdam is my all time favorite city, then London. I have also been to China (twice), the Caribbean, Mexico and we are going to Aruba this summer. It is so inspiring to know that the dream can actually be lived. My spouse’s parents were childhood sweethearts as well and traveled extensively. We shall live vicariously through your trips until we can take to the open road. Keep on Rollin’

    1. Hi Mona! It looks like you’re off to a great start on your blog. And you’ll love getting to know the blogging community.

      It sounds like we both love Amsterdam and London – we’ve had the joy of living in both. And not many people can say they’ve been to China – twice! I haven’t been to Aruba yet so I hope you’ll blog about it. So glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

  102. Hi Terri,
    Yes I LOVED Amsterdam! I bet it was way cool living there. Our first trip to China was in 1996 when we adopted a Chinese baby girl. We took her back to China on a “homeland” tour when she was ten. She graduates from high school in three weeks and will be leaving for college in the fall. I am going to miss her terribly as I have pretty much stayed home with her for 18 years. One of the reasons I wanted to get involved with Etsy is so I will have some diversion when she goes off to college. I want to spend some time on your blog and read all about your travels. Take care. Mona

  103. Hi..stumbled onto your blog while catching up on a friends post and boy am I glad I did! such a lovely blog! I love reading travellogues and hope to pen a few ..do drop by my blog when you get the time..your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated..sincerely, Nishi

    1. Hi Nishi! Welcome, I’m so glad you stopped by. It’s always great to meet a fellow traveler. Do you have a fun trip planned for the future? All the best, Terri

  104. Hi, nice to meet you! I must say, be honest, you have fantastic blog!!! You are nice couple with interesting stories and beautiful photos. I look forward to read new post. Bye. Kamila PS. Anyway, I love you photo from Santorini…we had honeymoon there.

    1. London just can’t be beat, Lu. Of course, Chicago is pretty cool too. 🙂 I spent some of my high school years at Lyons Township. Your food photography is beautiful! I guess it gives you a welcome break from your studies. So glad that you stopped by. All the best, Terri

      1. Yes, I love Chicago! It’s beautiful and clean =) Oh nice – I actually went to Stevenson.

        And thanks! Eating and traveling certainly are great ways to take a break from my studies! And I’ll have to read more from your blog to decide where to go abroad next!

    1. Richa, Congratulations on your award! That is so cool. And thanks so much for thinking of us. We are honored to be included and look forward to checking out all these other fascinating blogs. All the best, Terri & James

  105. Wow, what an incredible blog and story! I’m looking forward to browsing all those 495+ posts and reading more! Caitlin

    1. Too funny! Any chance to skip going through Customs gets my vote. 🙂 I’m enjoying reading your blog and look forward to more. So glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

  106. How fun! My husband and I (we also met in high school; we’re now 32 and 33) recently took two years to go RTW and I blogged it as we went. It’s lovely to read your condensed story here and hope that we have decades of further travel and adventure in front of us. 🙂

    1. Wow Lisa, what an adventure you and your husband had! I’m guessing it’s going to be the first of many because you have that wanderlust in your blood. 🙂 Just about the time we think we’re settled down for a while, we realize that’s never going to happen. There’s just too much wonder in this world to explore. I’m so glad that you stopped by and look forward to reading lots more of your adventures. Are you enjoying being settled for a while? ~Terri

      1. I didn’t know I did have it in my blood until we started going. 😉 I am very much loving being settled but my feet are getting itchy! Fortunately we just booked a couple of short trips and there’s another one in planning, so that should keep me happy for awhile. 😉

  107. Wow. Thanks for popping over to my little blog today. Am totally overwhelmed after seeing yours! I wish I would’ve seen that post about ways to make your vacation rental better…..sure could’ve used that last year when we went to Europe and I definitely did meet my nemesis in a washing machine! Look forward to exploring your posts further.

    1. So glad that you stopped by! You live in a beautiful part of the world (we used to live in Virginia.) Too funny that you talked about meeting your nemesis in a washing machine. Our most recent head-scratching moment was trying to figure out a space-age shower in an apartment in Krakow. Amazing! 🙂 All the best, Terri

      1. Yes, it is a beautiful area down here….but we are soon to be on the move again to new area…..most interested in hearing about space-age shower…hope you have pix too!

      2. Ah yes, now that is a very good story and i think he has the right idea letting someone else go first but…….would not want it to be me!

  108. Congratulations on living your dream! How inspiring. And thank you for visiting my little blog, I really appreciate it.

    1. Thanks for the comment and for dropping by the blog Peggy. As we’ve gotten older, we realize that it’s all about priorities, and we’re lucky have a strong partnership. ~James

  109. I really enjoyed reading your story. Makes me wanna start gallivanting around more. Seriously, though, you two are an inspiration for home-couched guys like me. Thank you for sharing this.

  110. James and Terri, loving your story. Truly. I hope my husband and I will follow in your footsteps. You’re both an inspiration! I think once travel gets into your soul, it’ll always be there! Going to enjoy reading your posts.

      1. Yes, when I spent 3 months there about 12 years ago, I loved Koh Lanta and Phi Phi before the tsunami hit. But I imagine a lot has changed now. We loved Chang Mai too up north. Where did you stay?

  111. Thanks for stopping by my blog and motivating me with so many ‘likes’. It’s a wonderful experience for me as a novice blogger as I learn to narrate my travel tales and share simple home made recipes. I like the various pages you have set up – culture ( festivities and celebrations) and Travel ( tips and tales). You sure deserve an Awards page! For more visits catch me on http://www.wlaktomarket.wordpress.com

    1. Totally my pleasure, Veena. I love the concept of your blog. I am also a huge fan of fresh markets all over the world and have encountered so many new fruits and vegetables – I love that! And it’s so fun to prepare tonight’s meal just from what I found in the market. Do you have a favorite market so far? ~Terri

  112. Hi guys – Thanks so much for dropping so many ‘likes’ on my blog. This is all still quite new to me and getting any kind of feedback is great. You have got such an inspiring blog. I will remember to drop in here in future before planning our next trip!

    1. Many Thanks for your kind words. I enjoy your blog – and it sounds like you really get around. I read your post about being back in KL and the durians. I had to smile at your description of the incident in the hospital. So glad that you stopped by. All the best, Terri

  113. Intrigued by your title, I stopped to get a taste of what you had to offer. I appreciate strong married role models and mentors in life of any kind, and especially the travel kind. I have found travel awakens an awareness of differences not as “bad,” but as simply “divergent and often interesting” from our own. You exhibit how to do that so well. Keep up your good work. You can find me at for my blog Traveling Light (take it any way you want).

    1. Hi Rhonda! Thanks for your very kind words. You put it beautifully, “Travel awakens an awareness of differences not as ‘bad,’ but as simply ‘divergent and often interesting’ from our own.” I agree wholeheartedly. Isn’t it fun to be “divergent” once in a while. 🙂 It looks like you and Lynn have done your fair share of traveling, too. Do you have a trip coming up? I’m so glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

  114. Yes, Lynn will be in Mexico soon to swim with the whale sharks on a guys trip. Then later in the fall we are going to see new friends in Laguna Beach, CA and old friends Walla Walla, WA. So our bags are packed and ready for travel soon.

  115. My better half and I love your blog. it definitely gives us hope. If you have not been to Kenya yet, we hope it makes it to your destination list. We would be willing guides :). Thanks as well for visiting our blog

    1. Thanks so much Eddie. We used to live in Khartoum, Sudan and made many wonderful visits to your beautiful Kenya. It’s still one of our favorite destinations. 🙂 So glad that your stopped by. All the best, Terri

  116. Hi,

    I just found your blog and want to invite you to provide a guest post on our site, Retirement And Good Living, about your travel adventurous.

    We launched our retirement site at http://retirementandgoodliving.com which provides information on a variety of topics including life, health, travel, volunteering, finances, retirement locations, hobbies, part time work and much more to boomers, recent retirees and others thinking about or planning for retirement.

    Currently the blog section of our site is comprised entirely of posts by guests on a variety of topics. To date over 200 guests from around the globe provided posts for our blog.

    Please let me know if you are interested and I will forward additional information.


    Simone Harrison
    Retirement And Good Living

    1. Thanks very much Simone for your interest in our blog, and for your invitation to provide a guest post for your website. However, at this time we aren’t doing guest posts, and if this changes in the future we will get in touch. ~James @ Gallivance.net

  117. I think it’s so cool that you’ve been able to live in so many different places and it sounds like you really enjoyed it. I’m living through your eyes and hoping to make it happen for me too one of these days. I’m glad you stopped by my blog and liked one of my posts, that’s how I found you. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. Hi Jill, What an amazing life you’re living! Talk about adventure – sounds like you’ve got it! Your blog is a joy. Thanks for the kind words and so glad you stopped by. All the best, Terri

    1. Thank you so much Naima! We’ve always said that we are lucky to have found each other. So glad that you stopped by. Looking forward to reading your blog. Wishing you all the best, Terri

  118. Hi Terri and James
    I have nominated you for a 5-day black and white challenge. The rules are easy – just hop on over to my site and have a look. I’m sure some of your great images would suit black and white. And it’s only five days. But no obligation, only if you have the time and the inclination. Carol 🙂

    1. Thanks for the nomination and for the kind words Carol. This sounds like a fun challenge and we’ll be pulling something together soon. I’ve always thought that B&W photography separated the good photographers from the dabblers like me, but I’ll give it a go. I’ll give you a heads-up before we publish. ~James

  119. What a wonderful blog you have made here and to do it while gallivanting at the same time!! Multi-tasking fun at its best! I first wanted to thank you for stopping by my neck of the woods. I liked your couple icon and came right over to see. And, secondly to say what a treat your blog is on many levels. To see a wonderful partnership last through the years is a joy. The travel wouldn’t be nearly as fun without that! I see above that you think you are a photographic dabbler, but no you are a good photographer. I’ve looked around already and everything here is quality and professional, especially the supporting photographs.

    1. Thanks for the comment and for dropping by the blog Judy. I’ve been to your excellent photographic blog, and can truly say that, coming from a photographer of your talents, your kind words are high praise indeed. I was a photo hobbyist in the past with lots of gear and at one time I had my own darkroom. But as as traveler, there are some hard decisions about how much and what type of gear to take to accomplish your goals. Luckily, in the last few years the technology has improved while the size and weight of cameras has decreased. I don’t know if you read it, but I wrote a post on travel zoom cameras, that surprisingly, has gotten to be one of our most popular posts. If you haven’t already, check it out:



    1. Thanks for the comment Rachael and for dropping by our blog. As you well know, travel gets in the blood. And our plan is that we will keep traveling as long as we can. We can always stop, but won’t always be able to go. ~James

  120. Wow, talk about living an inspiring life! So glad to have found your blog, as there is so much useful information and your stories are immensely entertaining. Kudos to you both on producing such an awesome blog!! 🙂

    1. Thanks for the comment and for dropping by the blog. We’re really glad that you enjoy or blog. We’ve been very lucky and have had a good ride for sure. Travel got into our blood early on in our relationship, and luckily, we’re simpatico. ~James

  121. Incredible…now that’s tourism. Opening your own travel agency now that you’ve ‘settled’ :), should be the icing on the cake. Or at least a mobile one 😀
    Well done guys, in hearts as well as by foot 🙂

    1. Hi Mark, it’s great to meet you. Thanks much for the kind words. I like your idea of a mobile travel agency – perfect for people with itchy feet! 🙂 So glad that you stopped by. Here’s wishing you a very Happy New Year. All the best, Terri

    1. It’s great to meet you, too. Looks like you’re getting ready for some big changes. Wishing you all the best on your future adventures and in the new year. So glad that you stopped by. ~Terri

    1. Thank you, I really like the header you created for your blog. It’s very appealing. And I’m so glad that you stopped by. Wishing you a Happy New Year. All the best, Terri

  122. Thanks for stopping by.Had a quick look at your blog-highly motivating and awe inspiring.Wishing you both lot of travels,health and happiness.Cheers.

    1. Hi Sidran, and thanks so much for your very kind words. I’ve been enjoying your posts on Georgia. We were just in the Balkans and I notice some similarities in architecture – fascinating! I’m so glad you stopped by. Wishing you all the very best in 2016, Terri

  123. Hello:) thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post on minimalism. What a wonderful blog you have. I enjoy reading travel writing and im looking forward to reading more about your adventures. I have dreams to travel myself. Someday i hope i get that chance. In the meantime,ill do some armchair travelling via your stories. :)-katrina

    1. Hi Katrina, I’m so glad you stopped by! Your blog is a joy. James and I are also minimalists (it really helps when you travel 🙂 ) and love connecting with other people who are simplifying their lives. We always get so many great ideas. Wishing you all the best, Terri

      1. Thank you so much terri! That means a lot. Your lifestyle is something i’ve always wanted. I hope someday i get the chance to see the world as much as you both did. I love reading about your adventures:) keep it coming and all the best-katrina

    1. Thanks so much! James and I are thrilled to have you here. I love your post on the Indian Kannadiga Bride – so poised and lovely. And a wonderful education on all the bridal intricacies. So glad that you stopped by. 🙂 All the best, Terri

  124. Such an amazing life story. I’ll browse through many months of your blog posts as and when, starting now! Also, thanks for stopping by at my blog – am only just starting here on WP.

  125. Very interesting to read the About You. Will take our time reading through your posts, thanks for sharing!! Esther and Joe

    1. Thanks for the comment Joe, and for dropping by the blog. Your month at a time travel plan is a good one. We rarely visit an area for less than a month, and you’re correct that it’s the perfect way to get a real feel for a place. Best of Luck. ~James

  126. Thanks so much for following Oh, the Places We See. How you do what you do has always amazed us — your creative writing, your great photography, and your ability to find something unusual wherever you go! And that’s just for starters. We’re really blown away by your efficiency and scheduled posts. You’ve definitely set the gold standard for blogging, and we wish you continued success. (And good health, too!_

    1. Rusha, thanks so much for your kind words. We’ve always worked hard to make our blog fun and entertaining, and it’s gratifying to hear when someone notices. There are tons of travel blogs around, and from the beginning we wanted ours to take a different tack. Anytime we’re talking about a post topic, one of the first questions we ask each other is: “What’s your angle?” It can’t just be another travel journal account. We think that this makes a better post, and it certainly makes it more interesting for us. Thanks again for your well wishes and continuing to follow along. ~James

  127. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post about Italy! I came to see your blog straight away and I’m glad I did. Your story is probably the best story I have ever heard! You are such inspiring people. Thanks for that, and keep up the good life 🙂 ❤

    1. Hi Christina, Thanks so much for stopping by … and for your very kind words. Our goal is to enjoy every minute possible, and it sounds like you do the same thing. And now you’re living in London – I’m so envious. We lived there for several years and fell hopelessly in love with the city. I hope you’re having great experiences there, too. All the best, Terri

      1. I’m trying to enjoy every minute, yes! Because what’s the point otherwise? I visited London when I was a teenager and promised myself that one day I would live there. I guess I can check that off my list of the things I want to do 🙂

  128. You two are absolutely inspiring and you have such an amazing blog! I love your photography, the content,…. -Simply everything about it! I am so glad I discovered your site! I am looking forward to reading more of your articles in the future.

    1. Thanks for the comment Jana and for dropping by the blog. It’s always gratifying to hear from a new reader that enjoys our work. You might be interested to check out a few of our posts on Germany. There’s a pull-down menu at the top of the page. Thanks again and best of luck with your new blog. ~James

    1. Thanks for the comment Caitlan and for dropping by the blog. I really enjoyed browsing your Back to Spain blog. It’s always good to discover new recipes and your blog posts put the food in context with the location. Well done. ~James

  129. I am so glad to have stopped by your blog.It makes me so happy to have read your story.You two are so beautiful in every sense of the word.I am a little sad of having not been here before but I am so looking forward to be a virtual passenger from now onward in your traveling!

    1. Thanks for your comment and for dropping by the blog. We’re happy that you discovered our blog and hope you enjoy our travel posts. All the best in your own blog. ~James

    1. Hi Tracey! So glad you stopped by … and thanks for the kind words. I loved your post on the brown cafes of Amsterdam and look forward to reading more about your journey. All the best, Terri

  130. Awesome, you guys can make any couple jealous. There’s so much about you both. I’m impressed with the fact that you guys have been traveling and in spite of so many years, you are still at it! Bravo! Keep exploring and sharing!

    1. Hi arv! Thanks so much for your very kind words. We’ve always loved exploring and learning and have no plans to stop. 🙂 It’s been many years since we were in Jaipur and your gorgeous photos capture it beautifully. Thanks so much for stopping by. All the best, Terri

      1. Thanks Terri. People like you are inspiring. I’m happy you have seen Jaipur. Thanks for all the appreciation 😃

    1. Hi Mickey and Yunni, Thanks so much for your kind words. Like you we love to travel and share our exploits with fellow wanderers. We’re glad you’re here and look forward to reading more of your blog, too. All the best, Terri

    1. Thanks for the comment Marilynn and for dropping by the blog. Blogging is an acquired taste for sure, but somehow, over the years travel has just naturally gotten into our blood. We wouldn’t know what to do if we couldn’t travel. Best of luck on taking your blog on the road. ~James

  131. What a fantastic story guys and many thanks for visiting my Travel and Photography blog.

    Poor James, I know exactly how he feels as I’m also a bedbug magnet – what horrible things these are…what purpose do they serve apart from sucking blood out of the unsuspecting bystander. I look as if I’ve got an embarrassing plague after an intimate few hours with bedbugs! I could write a post on them perhaps…

    Funny (or sad), I encountered bedbugs for the first time in Jakarta back in 1998 and have had an hate-affair with these pesky little mites a few times since. Slathering your body with an Australian product named RID often helps, but not good to use this for extended periods. 😉

    1. Hi Nilla. Many thanks – I’m thrilled to have discovered your beautiful blog.

      And as for James, he first tangled with the critters in Bogor, Indonesia. What a sight he was! Strangely, although I’m highly allergic to poison ivy, bedbugs don’t bother me. Go figure. I’ve never heard of RID – we’ll check it out. James has become an expert at whipping back the sheets and field stripping the bed just about any where we go. It’s pretty comical.

      So glad to see you here. Are you on the road now? ~Terri

      1. Hi Terri, many thanks for your kind words and love reading your posts also.

        Ha, ha I can picture him doing that – you are so lucky that you’re not tasty to those bugs!

        We left Australia in March 2014, but have been living in southern Italy for a couple of years, so yes, technically travelling. 😉

  132. Love your story and to think I was there when all of this was happening and did not realize it, but,with all your travel when family is in need you guys are there and we love you for that. Is there another great adventure in the works, if so make it a safe one.

    1. Joyce looking back it seems that we didn’t really choose our lifestyle as much as it gradually chose us. Once we were on the path of living outside KY one thing led to another and it just continued. We wouldn’t trade it for anything, but one of the things that we always missed was family and we tried our best to keep in contact. Now that we’re back, one of the wonderful things is being able to see family on a regular basis and keep up with what’s going on in everyones’ life. This particularly applies to you and Dascal. You have always been special to us and it’s so nice to be able to see you on a regular basis. Love to you both, JH

    1. Thanks for the comment Nadia and for dropping by the blog. We’ve been fortunate to be able to travel and never take it for granted. I hope that you’re able to travel as you wish as well. But, watch out! It’s habit-forming. 🙂 Thanks. ~James

      1. we are James and I got the inspiration from your blog and travel stories. So we are going to start doing more of it. I will be following your blog for continued inspiration and tips 🙂 Nadia 🙂

  133. Hello, thank you for dropping by my blog! I am glad to have come across yours. That is quite a story you have there. You’ve got me. 🙂 Looking forward to browsing your posts and catching tales of your travels. Cheers.

      1. Most recently we’ve been talking about camping in Iceland,but nothing is set yet. We loved our time in the Balkans. Do you know what countries you’re visiting yet? ~Terri

      2. Well the plan is Plitvice Lakes, Korcula and Dubrovnik in Croatia and then swing over to Bosnia & H. Italy is comfort travel, mostly around the Tuscan countryside and a touch of Rome.

        Camping in Iceland sounds awesome (a word I do not use almost at all, if I can help it).

    1. Hi John and Susan! I’m so glad you stopped by. And what an adventure you’ve been living. Congrats! James and I were expats for many years and probably faced some similar challenges. Looking forward to getting to know you two. All the best, Terri

  134. Oh,the eighties…..
    I too, was a tap dancer when I was a kid but I only dropped my hat on stage thank God! My husband has been all over the world but not to the extent you have traveled. What an adventurous life you live!
    I could benefit from some simplification. I have to dig a well just to get a drink of water. 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Welcome! I’m so glad you stopped by. Talk about an adventurous life – your living-off-the-grid tales are fascinating! I’m glad you made it through this past winter, and that things are improving. You, your son, and husband are quite resilient … and endowed with a great sense of humor. Anyone who wants to write in the style of Jean Sheppard gets my smile. We too have lived in the woods, and Thoreau was my mantra. “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately…” – like you, we learned that life was full of surprises. I wish you all the very best, Terri

  135. I finally had a chance to check out you guys story. Life can get so unbelievably busy sometimes. However I am glad it has finally slowed up for me. I love your blog and your traveling life style. Thank you for liking my first post I created, it certainly made me smile that day. Keep sharing you guys are an inspiration.

    1. Hi Nitisha, I’m so glad that you stopped by. And many thanks for your kind words. I remember how important that very first post is. I wanted to comment on your One Vehicle post, but you do not have comments turned on. We just have one car, and it really helps keep our life simplified. Wishing you all the best with your new blog, Terri

  136. Hello to both of you and thanks so much for visiting my site.

    It looks like I have a lot of reading to do to catch up on all your travels but it is not as if I am going anywhere in the near future.You really do seem to have covered some ground.



    1. Thanks for the comment Fergy and for dropping by the blog. Yes, we’ve been very lucky to be able to travel, but with the COVID-19 restrictions, I fear that our days of carefree anytime, anywhere travel are over for the foreseeable future. We’re hoping that as things open up a bit here in the US, we’ll be able to do some close-to-home trips. I hope the same is true for you in the UK. Take care of yourself and be well. ~James

  137. Nice to meet you Terri and James, It is nice how our paths crossed via Liesbet. I was visiting your blog and I became lost in your stories and your photos. Interesting, beautiful and fun! I have subscribed to your blog and I look forward to reading more. Erica

    1. Hi Erica, It’s wonderful to meet you, too. Thanks so much for your kind words. I loved your comments on Liesbet’s blog and knew I had to check you out. Your blog is a joy! So glad that you stopped by. I look forward to getting to know you better. All the best, Terri

  138. Good to meet others with the same blog name derivation! I like your Galli-Vance story. When I started my blog it was basically just a diary / photo album for me, family and friends and had the very boring title of Anabel’s Travel Blog. When more people started to read it I felt I had to do better. I like alliteration so was thinking of something like Adventures of Anabel when suddenly Glasgow Gallivanter popped into my head.

    I’ve read a few of your stories now and look forward to reading more!

    1. Hello Anabel, It is delightful to meet you. We seem to have so many things in common. Isn’t it funny how the brainstorming goes when you’re trying to come up with a title for your blog. I love your alliteration and it fits your blog perfectly. I think we went through scores of choices, but once we said Gallivance it stuck.

      As I mentioned to you, we visited Glasgow for the first time last Autumn and fell in love with it. I am looking forward to digging in to your blog and getting to know it – and you – so much better. All the best, Terri

  139. Hello, I’ve enjoyed exploring your blog, so inspiring. I have lived in two countries! I have no where near visited as much countries as you have! I’m interested in food and culture; people and places. Happy travels…

    1. Elaine, thanks for dropping by the blog and making a comment. In our experience there’s nothing to broaden one’s viewpoint like the cultural diversity encountered when traveling. From the tiniest of life’s daily details to the largest global implications there’s nothing like having feet on the ground to see it. All the best in your travels. ~James

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